
Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Teak: Women

Everyone already knows that teak is one of the best basic furniture materials. The main feature of teak wood that makes it a favorite is its excellent durability and durability. Changes in the weather are often a tragedy for furniture made from other woods, but they do not significantly affect the quality of teak furniture. In addition, the characteristic grain and color of teak wood also has its own characteristics and charm. Not surprisingly, teak furniture is often fixed at a higher price.

Teak woodfrining.com

There are many interesting things about teak that many people are crazy about, including women who like to do household chores and home design work. If you are one of those who are interested in the splendor of teak wood, Kania will share the complete information about teak wood. Take a look at the teak guide with Decorma!

Teak woodtlwoods.id

Teak originally came from Asian countries such as Laos, Bangladesh, Indonesia, India, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Myanmar, but eventually spread to other regions such as the Caribbean and Africa. In the wood industry itself, teak is arguably the most popular type of wood and is highly regarded for its durability, durability and beautiful texture. It's no wonder that teak is a popular material for making high quality furniture.

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Teak trees can reach 30-36 meters in height, and the main color tends to be light brown. From flowers to all layers of teak trees, it contains many health and other benefits that are very useful to humans:

As an anti-asthma drug

In the world of health, teak contains ingredients that help prevent and treat asthma attacks. This anti-azumatic content begins with the teak wood itself, from the leaves and roots. Many teak studies have shown that extracts from teak wood show important anti-asthma effects.

Teak cures asthmadeherba.com

As an antiparasitic

Teak is not only a remedy for asthma, it is also effective in combating parasites and substances. Extracts from teak leaves and stems are often mixed with herbal drinks to remove gastrointestinal parasites such as intestinal worms.

Antiparasitic teak woodpinterest.com

Treatment of skin problems

Teak wood as a medicine for itching

Again, the great health benefits are shown from teak as a drug to overcome. Vitiligo Or some kind of harmless skin pigmentation.Moreover Vitiligo, Teak wood can also treat leprosy, which is also associated with skin discoloration problems.

There is a laxative content

Laxative teak

Teak wood can be used to prepare a laxative or herbal tonic that can be used as a laxative. As a result, teak wood is often treated as a human laxative.

Contains anti-diabetic substances

Diabetic teak woodpinterest.com

Do you have diabetes problems? You can try a teak extract that has also been found to contain anti-diabetic substances.

Overcome problems with ulcers and internal organs

Teak extract is also often used as a treatment for stomach and internal organ problems such as dysentery, abdominal pain and constipation.

Teak headachemmc.tirto.id

Treatment of headache problems

Finally, the health benefits of teak wood also help to deal with headaches. The trick is to apply painkillers or teak extract oil containing painkillers to the forehead.

Teak headache


There are many health benefits that make it a favorite, but the most well-known use of teak is as furniture. The use of teak wood as furniture can also be applied to outdoor furniture, vestibular furniture such as garden tables and chairs, and flooring. In addition, with proper lighting and lighting, teak wood will look more beautiful.

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Not only is it beautiful, but it also has many advantages as teak furniture, and it turns out that it is even more loved by wives and housewives.

Very strong and durable

Very strong teak woodgqwft.com

Teak is known to be the toughest and toughest in terms of durability and wear. Teak wood is durable even after long-term use and has little deformation or damage. Due to its high density, teak wood does not rot like other woods.

In addition, teak can withstand water, humidity and extreme weather. As a result, many are willing to buy and invest in teak furniture. Instead of buying a lot of fragile and cheap furniture, it's better to choose teak wood that lasts for over 100 years.

Easy maintenance

Teak wood for easy maintenancegqwft.com

Teak furniture can also be easily cleaned without much costly maintenance. For teak furniture, it is sufficient to wipe it with a half-moistened cloth and then wipe it dry with a clean cloth. Housewives do not have to go back and forth to clean teak furniture at home. The good thing is that the teak matches the decoration of almost every room!

Resists insect and termite attacks

Insect repellent Insect repellentgqwft.com

Termites and other insects are not comparable to teak wood. why? Because teak contains strong oils, it is resistant to insects, fungi and even termites. Are you in love more?

Attractive and beautiful

Attractive and beautiful teak woodgqwft.com
Not only wives and women who are impressed by the appearance of teak wood, but also furniture lovers can experience the beauty of teak wood. From the golden color to the unique strokes of the motif, the teak appearance is very attractive from the outside to the inside.

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Having teak furniture is not only a matter of beautiful furniture at home, but also has economic and fame advantages that are different from those of teak owners.

As an owner of teak furniture, you have made a profitable investment from the moment you buy it. The price of teak furniture is high, but its use can be at least 50-70 years. Divided by year of use, investment in teak furniture is much more profitable than other types of wood that can only last 20 to 30 years on average.

Teak woodgqwft.com

Investing in teak is not a secret in the wood industry. Teak investment increased 8.5% in the stock market between 1975 and 2005 and is on an occasional uptrend.

This means that it's not impossible for teak furniture you bought years ago to be targeted at a much higher price in the hands of antique and furniture players and collectors. I will. With proper care, owning teak furniture is a very safe investment. Teak wood is ideal not only for furniture, but also for kitchen sets.

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Are you interested in owning teak furniture now? You can start now and never be late!

If you want to use teak as an interior element but don't know where to start, Decorma's interior design team can help! We also help those who need to make custom kitchen sets and cabinets. Prices are transparent and can be adjusted according to your budget. Immediately send an email to sales@dekoruma.com and you will get a call back within up to 2 x 24 hours ?

In addition to design services, Decorma also sells teak furniture that you can put in your home, such as base tools and dining tables. Find the teak furniture you're looking for in Decorma!

Source : https://www.dekoruma.com/artikel/27433/kayu-jati-furniture-idaman-wanita

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