
Monday, February 7, 2022

Five Facts About Mahogany, One of the Best Woods in Indonesia

About mahogany wood you should know

When it comes to architecture, timber remains popular. Wood is usually needed as a material for support, construction and furniture. This material is also compatible with a variety of architectural styles. Indonesia itself has many types of commonly used wood. One of them is mahogany.

Mahogany is as popular as teak. In addition, the harvest period is relatively fast and the diameter is large. Are you still new to mahogany? In this article, Kania explains the facts about mahogany. Now, take a look at the next review!

Origin of mahogany

Mahogany tree fruits and seeds as a source of mahoganyhonestdocs.id

As the name implies, mahogany trees are derived from mahogany trees. This tree has very unique flowers. As a child, this mahogany nut is shaped like a rugby ball. As they grow older, the fruits begin to bloom, revealing well-placed seeds. These seeds can also be used as herbal medicines, but they have a bitter taste.

You can harvest 10-year-old mahogany trees and use them as furniture mahogany. At that time, the diameter of mahogany was 1.5 cm. If you want to use it as a building material, you have to wait for 15 years.

Mahogany trees can reduce air pollution

Mahogany tree as a raw material for mahogany woodsteemitimages.com

Mahogany trees, the main source of mahogany, have been proven to reduce air pollution. In terms of percentage, at least mahogany trees have a 70% ability to reduce air pollution. This is because the leaves can absorb the dirty air and process it into oxygen to make the air feel fresh.

On the other hand, when it rains, this mahogany embryo can absorb large amounts of water as a backup.Therefore, planting this mahogany tree ensures that the water around your home garden will not stagnate for long periods of time

Features of mahogany wood

Mahogany mountaindutarimba.com

In general, mahogany has a characteristic pale pink color. However, other mahogany woods are also dark red, indicating that they are more than 25 years old. Meanwhile, the edges of this mahogany are always white.

The mahogany wood fibers are straight and integrated. This makes it easy to cut mahogany into the desired shape. The mahogany has very small pores, so the texture is smooth.

Benefits of mahogany

Mahogany table surfaceFurniturekayukita.com

Mahogany wood is not without reason, but mahogany is gaining in popularity due to its many advantages. The fine fibers make mahogany look very attractive when coated with natural or classic paints. Mahogany is also low in oil. This allows mahogany to be coated with ducopaint without the yellow stains of teak.

If you want the mahogany to look the original color, that's fine. The reason is that mahogany has an exotic and unique red color. Therefore, most other woods cannot match their uniqueness.

The surface of this mahogany is also so stable that it is not easy to shrink or reshape. Not surprisingly, mahogany was popular for making musical instruments and window frames.

Looking at the price issue, this mahogany is cheaper than the price of agarwood or blush. Still, the quality of this mahogany is guaranteed. The raw materials themselves are very easy to find on Java.

Lack of mahogany

Openland Mahogany Collectiontradewindswood.com

Unfortunately, this mahogany wood is susceptible to pests as long as it is a raw material. It is not uncommon for mahogany farmers to suffer losses due to hollow wood. Therefore, as long as it is still a raw material, this mahogany storage location should always be considered and checked regularly. You don't have to worry about running out of mahogany. When the drug is administered through a perfect oven process, the mahogany tree becomes resistant to pests.

Also, this mahogany material is not suitable for outdoor furniture. Aside from being prone to pests, irregular air conditions can also cause fungi to appear in the mahogany wood material.

Based on the above five facts about mahogany, I hope you can understand and understand mahogany more deeply. Check out the furniture around you now. Maybe so far your home furniture uses a lot of mahogany!

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Source : http://i0.wp.com/www.dekoruma.com/artikel/97533/fakta-tentang-kayu-mahoni

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