
Thursday, February 3, 2022

A pond with dirty fish? Clean it with these 5 aquatic plants!

It is a pleasure for the inhabitants to have a pond with fish in their house. The sound of the murmuring of the water makes the atmosphere more beautiful, the fish swimming here and there calm the mind, the aquatic plants make the appearance of the pond beautiful, and the view of the garden of the house becomes even more beautiful. However, the residents of the house have a lot of homework and regularly clean the dirty fishponds.

Fish ponds are easily polluted by fish droppings, dust, and moss growth. These dirty fishponds can deteriorate the appearance of the garden and create an unhealthy environment for the fish if left unattended for long periods of time. If you don't have much time to clean a pond with fish on a regular basis, plant aquatic plants in the next pond to clean up moss and dust!

1. Water banana plant

A pond with dirty fish? Clean it with these 5 aquatic plants!Google COM

The first aquatic plant is a water banana. The name comes from the fact that it looks like a mainland banana tree, except for the small size of this aquatic plant. The leaves are a bit like taro leaves. This aquatic plant can be tall with wavy leaves up to 1.5 meters long. It is suitable for decorating a pond with large fish so that the water in the pond does not get too hot during the day.

2. Water bamboo plant

Water bamboo plantGoogle COM

If bamboo is commonly planted on the ground and can be tall, this aquatic plant lives in water, as the name implies. Lucky bamboo has a shape similar to real bamboo and is a little smaller in size. The height is about 25-100 cm. In terms of the diameter of the stem itself, this aquatic plant grows up to only 3 cm. This green aquatic plant is suitable for placement around fishponds as a barrier.

3. Aquatic plant Karayuri

Aquatic plant KarayuriGoogle COM

The following aquatic plants can not only clean the pond with fish, but also make it more beautiful. The reason is that this water lily is a suitable flower juxtaposed with terrestrial flowers.

The color is pure white and the shape resembles the mouth of a trumpet. At first glance, it looks like a plastic flower. This beautiful aquatic plant also has a gentle scent, which makes spending time relaxing by the pool even more enjoyable.

4. Aquatic plants Chain algae

Chain algae aquatic plantsGoogle COM

Chained algae are oxygenated aquatic plants that raise the oxygen levels of fish ponds, allowing the water to be clear and the fish to get enough oxygen. This aquatic plant looks like a bush and all of it can be left in the water.

A bundle of algae works effectively for every 3 square meters of fish pond. In addition to cleaning fish ponds, these aquatic plants can also be used for young fish shelters and shelters.

5. Umbrella papyrus plant

Papyrus aquatic plantsGoogle COM

The stem of Umbrella papyrus has a tip filled with small long leaves. These green aquatic plants grow in groups. The roots are in the water and the leaves stick out at the top. The leaves are thick enough to shade the fish in the pond.

They are five aquatic plants that can clean ponds with fish. Even so, that does not mean that you are completely free from the responsibility of cleaning and draining water. About 2-3 months is enough. Don't forget to read other useful articles on Decorma!

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Source : http://i0.wp.com/www.dekoruma.com/artikel/76340/tanaman-air-pembersih

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