
Wednesday, February 2, 2022

10 unique home fence designs you

The fence of the house is unified with the beauty of the house you own. The presence of a house fence not only protects it, but also helps in the aesthetics of making the house look more attractive.

That's why many people today are thinking about designing unique fences to place in their homes to make them more attractive. Unique fence designs are rarely made by many, but they make their fence designs unique when compared to other types of fences.This can increase the trust of homeowners

Are you currently looking for unique fence design ideas? Are you confused about what unique fence design to put in place? This time, Kania will discuss various unique fence designs around the world, especially for you!

1. Unique fence design using natural stone

Stone fence designDecorextra.com

The first unique fence design available is to use natural rock as a fence. Not only are such fence designs unique and rarely considered by others, but the cost of implementing a unique fence design is also very affordable.

All you need to prepare is large, medium and small coral rocks. Next, place the large coral as the base of the fence, the medium-sized coral on top, and finally the small coral on top.

Accurate stacking of existing rocks must be considered so that the base of the fence does not crumble. Because this unique fence design does not require glue like cement during manufacturing.

2. Use of used bicycles

Unique used bicycle fence designvelostrana.ru

There is also a unique fence design made from used bicycles. If you enjoy cycling and have a lot of used bicycles, you will love this unique fence design. If you want to give the impression of a bike lover, you can also apply this unique fence design.

Used bicycle materials that can be used as fences are part of bicycle frames and bicycle tire wheels. All you have to do is use the wood horizontally to create the upper and lower foundations. You can then place other existing bicycle parts in the center of the foundation.

To attach parts together, one part must be welded to another. You don't have to paint your bike to give it the impression of being natural.

3. Draw a cute character on the fence

This unique fence design is ideal for placement as a playground or kindergarten fence in a residential area. The unique shapes drawn with cartoon characters, or wood paints, will surely fascinate many children and will be their focus.

Unique fence design of cute charactershomedit.com

If you have good drawing skills, applying a unique fence design to this is very easy. The trick you just need to use a wooden board then laid horizontally. It is then used as a place to put wooden boards drawn with various characters.

You can also shape a wooden block into a pencil shape. With colorful and festive paints, make the look of your unique fence design attract the attention of many people.

4. Use used doors as your own fence design

The next unique fence design is to use used doors that are no longer in use. If you don't have a second-hand door, don't worry, you can buy one at a furniture-making location that's easy to find in the city.

Unique fence design used doorflickr.com

It's very easy to apply, just line up the used doors. If you need more extreme uniqueness, you can apply a non-uniform paint color between the doors.

5. Use bamboo

This unique fence design can give your home a clean and natural look. You just have to choose the types of bamboo that are the same size as each other.

Also, choose a uniform color bamboo to give a clean and tidy impression with the unique fence design of the house. Then just stick the bamboo on the existing soil. However, also make sure that the sizes are fairly uniform with each other.

Unique bamboo fence design fencezen-garden.org

6. Piano pattern wooden fence

Wood is not the only material readily available in tropical countries like Indonesia. You can also use wood as a unique creative fence design. Music lovers and piano keyboard lovers can apply this unique fence design.

Piano pattern wooden fencepinterest.com

Just like a piano or keyboard, you just paint the wooden fence in black and white. With black and white wood paint, you can apply a unique fence design that many have never thought of before. It's cool?

7. Unique fence design using zinc

Unique fence design using zincpinterest.com

Zinc, which is used by many as the roof of houses and villas, is also active as a minimalist house fence model and is attracting attention. The trick is to just lay the zinc horizontally and you have to use wood to support the sides. Then create a plaid or perforated pattern on the zinc to give it an elegant and unique look.

8. Unique home fence design with used bottles

Unique fence design with used bottleszannedelions.com

If you have a lot of used bottles of syrup or beer, you can use them to create a unique fence design at home.

The secret is that you only need to use wood as the basis for this unique fence design. Make a bottle-sized hole. Then just put the used bottle in the hole you prepared in advance.

9. Tree branches as a unique house fence design

Tree branches as a unique fence designniftyhomestead.com

Natural impressions and natural impressions can be successfully applied to this unique fence design. The method is very simple, you just need to make a wire mesh as the basis for laying the branches of the tree. Then just put a tree twig on the wire part.

Make sure that the tree branches you use are strong enough, such as teak branches. This is intended to avoid possible weathering.

10. Unique home fence design using blackboard

Unique fence design using blackboardhngideas.com

Those who have children who are active and like graffiti on the walls of the house are definitely interested in applying this unique fence design. What is needed is to combine the existing wooden fence with a black blackboard to create a unique and attractive fence design.

Read again: 6 garden designs that can refresh your mind

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Source : https://www.dekoruma.com/artikel/20714/berbagai-macam-desain-pagar-unik

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