
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The Stanford Online High School (OHS), formerly known as EPGY (Education Program for Gifted Youth), is a private independent school for gifted students located within Stanford University. The OHS operates as a six-year school, serving students in grades 7-12. The current Head of School is Tomohiro Hoshi.

The OHS used to be part of the wider offerings of EPGY, and was operated as a program within EPGY. With the restructuring of EPGY into Stanford Pre-Collegiate Studies, Stanford OHS became fully separate in its administration from the legacy components of EPGY.


Stanford Online High School - To discover more, please visit https://ohs.stanford.edu/ Video credit: Cody Snapp.

In April 2005, EPGY Executive Director, Raymond Ravaglia, proposed the idea of expanding EPGY's online course offerings into a full-fledged online school. This informal proposal, made to the Malone Family Foundation of Englewood, Colorado, was well received and the Foundation requested a full proposal. Over Summer 2005, Ravaglia fleshed out his ideas into a full-blown design for an online school for gifted students. In January 2006, EPGY received a substantial and generous gift from the Foundation to develop the school. Formally called "The Education Program for Gifted Youth Online High School at Stanford University," it is typically referred to as the EPGY OHS or Stanford EPGY Online High School, often just "OHS." The OHS officially commenced on September 7, 2006, gathering students in grades 10-12. The Online High School accepted thirty students for the inaugural year and projects an enrollment of up to six hundred full-time equivalent students in the years to come. In 2006 the Online High School received official accreditation from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). The OHS was approved as an online provider by the University of California in 2008. Ninth grade was added for the 2008-09 academic year, and with the 2009-10 school year, supported by an additional gift from the Malone Family Foundation the EPGY OHS was able to add a middle-school component for students in grades seven and eight. In January, 2015, OHS became the first online school to be accredited by the California Association of Independent Schools (CAIS).

Until the 2014-15 school year, OHS used Saba Centra in order to host its classes, but switched to Adobe Connect for the 2014-15 year.


Stanford's online high school - Stanford 125
Stanford's online high school - Stanford 125. Source : 125.stanford.edu

Stanford OHS offers classes in eight major subjects: English, Social Sciences, Laboratory Sciences, Mathematics, Computer Science, Music, Summer Residential Courses, and Core Sequence. Of these eight, the first six disciplines offer both honors and Advanced Placement classes. The OHS also offers university level classes in English, Social Sciences, Laboratory Sciences, and Mathematics.

Seminar classes

In seminar courses, web-based video conferencing technology is employed. These classes typically include prerecorded lectures to supplement the group interaction.

Core sequence

The four courses offered in the Core Sequence cover subjects in science, history of science, political theory, and philosophy. Freshmen study biology and statistics, sophomores study the history of science, juniors study political theory, and seniors study critical reading and philosophy.

Student life

Stanford creative writing summer program, Coursework Help
Stanford creative writing summer program, Coursework Help. Source : kmcourseworknjrn.legacy7construction.us

The OHS community includes 40 student- and teacher-run clubs and a student newspaper. The school offers a fully functional student government composed of class representatives, board chairs, and executive senate members.

Application and admissions

Stanford's online high school - Stanford 125
Stanford's online high school - Stanford 125. Source : 125.stanford.edu

The application packet as of 2018 requires two essays, two recommendation forms, a standardized test score, a student work sample, a parent questionnaire, and various other items. Students can apply as full-time students (four or more courses), part-time students (two or three courses), and single-course students. Applicants are evaluated by an admissions committee.


Brochures & Flyers | Stanford Online High School
Brochures & Flyers | Stanford Online High School. Source : ohs.stanford.edu

The tuition at Stanford OHS is $4,700 for a single course, $14,200 for part-time enrollment (2-3 courses), and $22,850 for full-time enrollment (4-5 courses) as of the 2018-19 school year.


School: Stanford Online High School on TeenLife
School: Stanford Online High School on TeenLife. Source : www.teenlife.com

External links

Middle School | Stanford Online High School
Middle School | Stanford Online High School. Source : ohs.stanford.edu

  • OHS website
  • Stanford Press Release
  • Education Program for Gifted Youth at Stanford University
  • EPGY Summer Institutes website

See also

HSA Student Receives Prestigious Invite to Stanford University ...
HSA Student Receives Prestigious Invite to Stanford University .... Source : www.horizonlorain.org

  • Indiana University High School
  • University of Missouri High School
  • University of Nebraska â€" Lincoln Independent Study High School

Stanford's online high school - Stanford 125
Stanford's online high school - Stanford 125. Source : 125.stanford.edu

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